Monday, August 1, 2011

200 Days in a Row - GeoCache Challenge and Where it's always sunny! - 7/31/11

WOO HOO!!! I FOUND MY FIRST GEOCACHE!!! Here's my proof!!! I can't believe I actually found this one!!! It's called 200 Days in a Row - GeoCache Challenge. I was soooo excited, but then I found out what a Challenge is. It means you have to complete the challenge before you can log the find!!! Sooo.... sadly, my streak continues. :( So KBLAST and I went to one that looked easier...
Where it's always sunny! I met the cache owner when they came out of the Cache & Coffee yesterday, so this one looked like fun. Unfortunately, as you can tell from the picture, the sun was going down, and I ran out of time before it got too dark (we shouldn't be in the park after dark!) As always, I'll try again tomorrow. At least I've found one, even if it doesn't count!!!

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