Tuesday, August 9, 2011

ACGT #5 (A): Dear Dairy - A Letter From The Art, ACGT #16 (T): Stroll Along Strouds, and Witch's Cache - 8/7/11

We did a run around Athens County trying to find the caches to complete the ACGT challenge and get the ACGT Geocoin. I tried to find ACGT #5 (A): Dear Dairy - A Letter From The Art. This one was supposed to be a really easy Letterbox Hybrid.
I searched everywhere I could see, but I could NOT find this one anywhere!
We then attempted ACGT #16 (T): Stroll Along Stroud's... but there was WAY too much ground to cover on this one (though the view was BEAUTIFUL!)
We finished up the day with Witch's Cache. Here was the view from part way up Witch Hill. We had an amazing trip, jumping rocks, boulders, and trees.
There were a lot of really cool places to look! At one point I thought I saw the cache:
 You can see me climbing up from the right, and the pot up at the top of the fallen tree on the left. It turned out it wasn't the cache at all, it was a real cooking pot! I never looked in - I was afraid _I_ might have been on the menu!!!

Then we searched the boulders close to Ground Zero. You can see Amazing A in this picture, and I'm the little guy just to the right. At least the graffiti artists were patriotic! After a long search, I never found the cache, but we had an amazing time! I guess that's part of the joy of Geocaching - even when you are unsuccessful, it can still be a lot of fun!!!

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